Mobil DTE™ 10 Excel increases energy efficiency for Workspace/Pyrotech Ltd. by 0.8 percent

Metal Blending Machine

Equipment: Metal bending/punching machine
Plant: Workspace/Pyrotech Ltd
Address: Udaipur, Rajasthan


Workspace/Pyrotech group had a metal bending/punching machine P4XE with average production per day of 8-10 hrs. The OEM hydraulic oil was of low ODI of 3 years. Hence the customer was looking to enhance equipment productivity with extended oil drain interval and reduced power consumption.


The ExxonMobil technical studied the application and recommended Mobil DTE™ 10 Excel to increase energy efficiency by 1-2% and extend oil drain interval by upto 1.5x.

  • Increase energy efficiency by 0.8%
  • Extended ODI by 1.5x
  • Revenue improvement – INR 73, 545 

Mobil DTE™ 10 Excel increased the energy efficiency for Workspace/Pyrotech Ltd., by 0.8% and extended the oil drain interval by 1.5x.

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